Commented on Extreme Esteem:
   "It would be nice if you could clarify a couple of things. To me it appears that you’ve presented these two options – “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?” and a willingness to take calculated risks – as the same thing, and I see them as being very different things. Do you think they are the same? I am also unsure about how everything presented leads us to your last statement. Are you are saying, Forget everything I said above? The important thing really is to be humble, genuine, and approachable?"
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5 years ago

Commented on Extreme Esteem:
   "I think the problem with advice is that the other person often doesn’t understand the entire picture. Only the person making every decision does. So, while I think it important to talk to people about things that concern us, I hope that if it doesn’t make sense to them, that they move on because we can find help if we keep trying. For me, it’s been important to find people who have experienced similar things."
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5 years ago

Commented on Vista of a Sisyphean Mind:
   "Great subject. Beautifully written. One every creative can relate to, but we seldom see it addressed in the way you have here. I’ll look forward to reading more!"
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5 years ago